Residents are calling for urgent safety improvements to the A259 after a spate of fatal seafront accidents.

Two people have been killed in Kingsway, Hove, in the last fortnight, and two passengers in a car died in a crash near the Palace Pier in Brighton.

Seafield Road Residents' Association in Hove has suggested improvements including more crossings, speed cameras and flashing 30mph signs.


Vallance ward councillor Simon Battle said: "Local residents are very worried about the recent deaths.

"They want irresponsible motorists to watch their speed on the seafront."

Residents are particularly upset about the death of 80-year-old Daphne Fitzgerald, of Medina Terrace, Hove, last week.

She was in collision with a car as she crossed Kingsway on her way back from a pub.

The accident happened at the same spot where Mrs Fitzgerald had seen her partner George Bradshaw fatally injured five years ago. He was struck by a car and died in hospital two weeks later.

Mrs Fitzgerald's death came only five days after driver Paul Smith's sports car went out of control in Kingsway. He died after the car hit a lamp-post near the Excelsior Hotel. Friends have put flowers around the lamp post as a mark of respect.

Two weeks before that, sisters Lena Ring and Margaret Kensett died when the Rover in which they were passengers smashed into a lamp post outside the Queens Hotel near the Palace Pier. The driver is still fighting for his life.

The Vallance Residents' Association is also calling for action to slow down motorists on Kingsway, which is a dual carriageway for most of its length.

Chairman Maurice Abrahams said: "People go along the seafront so fast it's dangerous."

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