Plans to revitalise a

long-established market are being backed by traders and councillors.

Green councillors in Brighton and Hove have put forward ideas for the Open Market in London Road.

They include a new covered market, an open piazza and cafes and restaurants.

Funding could come from social housing and local architects Miller Bourne says that a housing association is already interested.

The initiative has been

welcomed by council leader Lynette Gwyn-Jones. After a meeting with Green councillor Keith Taylor, she backed the idea of a local forum to take the scheme forward.

Councillors from St Peter's, Hanover and Seven Dials ward will work alongside local residents and traders.

Coun Taylor said on the ground floor of the new building there would be market stalls, with shops at the Ditchling Road entrance and a restaurant, cafe, bar or pub.

The first floor could include social housing, workshops, shops, combined living and working areas, a health centre and another restaurant.

The piazza, a large open paved area, could could be used for exhibitions, performances, and events such as farmers' markets and book fairs.

Tory councillor John Sheldon said: "Revitalising the Open Market is really important and this has our support."

David Marmery, of the Open Market Traders' Association, who runs Sid's fish shop, and Ben Messer, of Brighton Urban Development and Design, both welcomed the proposal.

So did Ann Townsend from London Road traders but she warned: "We don't want a mini-Churchill Square there."

Plans by the council, which owns the market, for a canopy are due to go be discussed by the planning committee tonight.

But Coun Gwyn-Jones said she would ask for the £120,000 canopy to be delayed while the alternative scheme was discussed.

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