A BLAZE at an Islamic religious centre is being investigated.

Fire broke out on the ground floor chapel at the Jameah Islamic School, Mark Cross, Rotherfield at 3.20am today.

Firefighters from Mayfield, Wadhurst and Uckfield spent more than an hour battling the blaze.

Around a dozen people who live at the centre were evacuated.

Mohammed Patel, from the centre, said: "The alarms went off and everybody got out. It was dealt with very well and quickly by the fire brigade. The main damage seems to be the carpets in the chapel.

"We don't know how it started but it is being investigated today."

Meanwhile, firefighters spent an hour tackling a blaze at a garage last night. Crews from Lewes and Hove attended the fire in Burgh Lane, Firle.

A car parked in the garage was destroyed during the blaze at 9pm.

The cause of the fire is unknown and fire investigators are today at the scene.

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