DISTRAUGHT youngsters were sent home today after hearing how pets at their school were stamped to death during a break-in.

Two boys, believed to be aged seven and nine, forced their way into Moulsecoomb Nursery School and killed two gerbils and several fish yesterday.

A fish tank was smashed on the floor, killing several goldfish, while the gerbils were stamped on, said a parent.

Pupils at the school in Hodshrove Lane were asked to go home when they arrived at school this morning.

Head teacher Charles Davies: "Once inside, the offenders did extensive damage. They ransacked the building and caused £1,000 damage.

"But the real damage is to the children themselves in relation to their animals. They are very upset. Something like this does cause great upset to children and parents. Although this is awful and very upsetting it is not going to stop us getting other animals.

"When parents were informed this morning, we had plenty of calls offering us more goldfish."

Parents were left to console their children as news of the break-in spread. Claire Cooper, 36, of Moulsecoomb Way, said: "I have eight children and they all went to that school. They all spoke about the school's animals and how much they loved to see them.

"I was appalled when I heard what had happened.

"The school should launch an appeal now. I have some baby fish which I would be happy to donate to the school."

Staff at the school quickly cleared up the mess left behind by the intruders.

The nursery school will reopen tomorrow. Most of the 73 infant school pupils' parents were informed about the break-in before school today.

A police spokeswoman said: "We're making inquiries into this incident but it is believed the offenders are below the age of criminal responsibility."

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