CELEBRITIES Ian Wright, Tony Robinson and Ralf Brown are backing a campaign against homophobic bullying launched in Brighton and Hove today.Plea over future of the Downs

They will be appearing in a series of adverts on Brighton and Hove buses for the campaign Homophobia: What Are You Scared Of?

A survey carried out for the Stop Campaign in Brighton and Hove found 90 per cent of men under 25 have committed a homophobic act and it is these people the campaign is targeting.

Paul Martin, a member of Diversity Alliance, said: "The campaign aims to send a clear message to young people that violence and harassment against lesbians and gay men is not accepted.

"We are also working in partnership with education services to ensure that schools and other young peoples' settings have clear policies, training and support to combat homophobia in the classrooms and playgrounds."

The adverts are appearing on school bus routes and Brighton and Hove Council's education department has seminars for teachers, school

governors and youth workers all this week.

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