THE case of five police officers charged in connection with the shooting of James Ashley has been adjourned until July 16.

Stipendiary magistrate Geoffrey Breen adjourned proceedings for a possible committal on July 16 in the absence of all five officers.

At a previous hearing it was agreed none of the five would need to appear yesterday.

Police marksman PC Chris Sherwood, 32, is charged with the murder of Mr Ashley at his flat in Hastings on January 15 last year.

The remaining officers are charged with misfeasance, meaning misuse of public office.

They are Supt Christopher Burton, 42, Acting Det Insp Kevin French, 46, Det Insp Christopher Siggs, 40, and PC Robert Shoesmith.

The hearing, which lasted less than three minutes, was watched by the dead man's girlfriend, Caroline Courtland-Smith.

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