A NATIONWIDE hunt for a 12-year-old boy who went missing with a known paedophile ended today when the man was arrested in Worthing.

Detectives swooped on the seafront this morning after a member of the public spotted the pair huddled on a bench.

The boy vanished six days ago from his home in Blackburn, Lancashire, after a minor row over his untidiness.

Police were concerned because he had been seen with Irish-born James Warke, who is on the Sex Offenders Register for offences against children.

He lived near the boy, Martin Duguid, and went missing at the same time.

Police arrested 36-year-old Warke in Steyne Gardens, near the Chatsworth Hotel, at 10.20am. The child was with him.

There had been several sightings of the pair in Lancashire but the search switched to Sussex today.

Pictures had been forwarded to police forces all over Britain as concern grew this weekend.

PC Chris Saunders, Sussex Police press officer for the Highdown Division, said: "We can confirm that a man has been arrested and is in custody. The child seems to be safe.

"We acted on a tip-off.

"A woman phoned this morning just before 10am and said she had seen them in a seafront shelter."

"We conducted a search and he was found minutes later in Steyne Gardens."

A witness in an office opposite where the arrest took place said Martin, who was last seen with Warke in his home town of Blackburn six days ago, seemed "frightened and subdued".

She said: "I saw a chap who looked in his late thirties, who had a boy with him.

"The next thing I saw was two police officers jumping out of a car. One of them said, 'You're nicked'.

"They caught him by surprise and he didn't resist at all. He just mumbled a few words but I couldn't hear what he said.

"The man had a bag on his back and was carrying some luggage. They both looked rough.

"I saw this on the TV last night. I've got a 12-year-old son myself and this is just shocking to me."

Det Chf Insp Mick Turner, of Lancashire Police, spoke of his relief.

He said: "Martin was found safe and well and will be reunited with his family.

"They were extremely happy to be told the news.

"He was traced as a result of a partnership between the police, the media and the public."

James Warke has a history of sex offences against youngsters and was being monitored by the police.

He was jailed for three years in 1996 for abducting two 14-year-old boys from a Blackpool amusement arcade.

It is expected Warke will be taken back to Blackburn for questioning this afternoon.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.