FORMER boxing champ Chris Eubank was counting the cost today after two luxury cars were badly damaged in a bizarre accident at his home.

Eubank's top-of-the-range Toyota Landcruiser rolled into his garage and another luxury car at the star's Hove home after he parked it on his drive.

The £45,000 Landcruiser and his father's £32,000 Honda Legend were badly damaged.

The former world middleweight champ had taken the Landcruiser out to buy some food.

He returned and parked but the massive four-wheel drive vehicle rolled down the driveway, in The Upper Drive, hitting the garage and the Honda.

Chris had only just returned from five days away with his wife Karron after taking part in the 3,500-mile Gumball Rally in Europe with his £100,000 American Peterbilt truck when the accident happened.

He had driven the truck from London to Rimini in Italy and back again to help raise money for a children's charity.

Chris said: "I had just had a great five days in Europe with Karron at the rally but I was tired when I returned because I hadn't had much sleep.

"I decided to buy some food so I took out the Landcruiser then parked it on the drive with the handbrake on, but it rolled into the garage and the Honda.

"The garage and the front of the Toyota are quite badly damaged and the Honda is a bit of a wreck."

Eubank said the cars have now been taken away for repair.

He added: "Both cars should be back on the road again soon.

"My father is in Jamaica at the moment and doesn't know what happened but at least no one was hurt."

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