TORY leader William Hague was in Sussex today to boost his party's hopes in Thursday's local elections.

Mr Hague met voters and discussed key issues on which candidates have been campaigning.

His county-wide tour started in Rye, where he met traders. In Battle and Bexhill he spoke to local MP Charles Wardle and 50 Tory candidates.

Then he travelled to Eastbourne, where he visited the District General Hospital.

Next the Tory leader moved on to Brighton seafront and the Hove Conservative Association HQ in Portland Road.

He attacked traffic gridlock in Brighton, telling party workers in busy King's Road: "The Labour council has clearly messed this one up."

And Mr Hague said the party had an excellent chance of unseating Labour in the Brighton and Hove elections on Thursday.

He left for the next towns on his schedule, Worthing and Horsham.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.