TV and radio star Chris Evans today praised Worthing after spending a "fantastic" Bank Holiday in the town.

Chris, presenter of TFI Friday on Channel Four, was speaking on his Virgin Radio breakfast show this morning.

He told millions of listeners that he woke up at his London home yesterday morning and decided he wanted a strong cup of tea and a chip buttie at the seaside.

So he jumped in his car and headed for Worthing, arriving at Splash Point Cafe, near Denton Gardens, at noon.

Chris said: "Brighton was mad, but Worthing wasn't. Worthing is a wonderful place. I had a fantastic time."

After a bite to eat, he bought a fresh fish, caught only an hour earlier, from a fisherman's locker on the seafront and later had it for tea.

Chris said: "It was delicious."

Argus columnist Derek Jameson, who used to live in the town, was voted Mr Worthing a decade ago after singing the town's praises on his own radio show.

The council presented him with a silver salver which takes pride of place on his wall.

Former Fleet Street editor Derek said: "I have always been a great supporter of Worthing. It is one of the finest places in Britain.

"It's a traditional, quiet, peaceful seaside town. The people are nice, there is a good shopping centre and the seafront is splendid."

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.