A MAN was attacked by three teenagers as he walked home with his wife.

Police today appealed for information about the Saturday-night incident in East Park, Northgate, Crawley, in which the man was kicked and punched before the attackers ran off.

The teenagers are thought to be all aged from 15 to 18.

Two of them were white, one dressed all in black and the other wearing glasses. The third youth is believed to be mixed-raced.

And a 28-year-old man needed hospital treatment after being attacked by three men at his home in Tunnmeade, Ifield, Crawley, on Friday.

The victim was treated for cuts and bruises at Crawley Hospital and discharged the following day.

Police are still trying to establish a motive for the attack and are appealing for information.

Witnesses to either attack are asked to call Crawley police on 01293 524242.

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