WHEN Stephanie Waplington was picked to appear on the prime time TV show it was nearly Blind Date in every sense of the word.

The 19-year-old wanted to look her best for Cilla's show and asked her mum to perk her eyes up with drops.

But in her excitement, mum Linda squirted in NAIL GLUE and stuck the lids firmly shut.

Stephanie, of Malines Avenue, Peacehaven, said: "The day before I had to go up to London for filming my eyes looked really tired so I asked my mum to put drops in so I would look more alive.

"As she was doing it I said it's stinging, it really hurts.

"It's stronger than Superglue. I couldn't see and I was really scared, we were both crying."

Stephanie was rushed to the Sussex Eye Hospital where doctors spent nearly five hours painstakingly picking the glue out of her eye.

She said: "They knew I had to appear on television the next day so they were brilliant - otherwise I would have had to have had my eyelashes cut off!"

The claims adviser went on to have a fantastic time filming for the show, which is due to be broadcast in January.

Stephanie said: "I didn't have a party piece but I used to work on a building site as a labourer which they quite liked.

"Cilla was really nice. She makes you feel at ease."

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.