A CONTROVERSIAL bid to set up a permanent site for travellers faces delay.

The Government wants more time to consider whether to call in the application for decision.

Tory councillors and neighbours have asked the Environment Department to decide whether there should be a permanent travellers' site at Horsdean, north of Patcham, Brighton.

Brighton and Hove Council has already approved the scheme but the Government has powers to call it in and hold a public inquiry.

The Preston and Old Patcham Society says the travellers' site could create a serious precedent for developers in the area of outstanding natural beauty.

Secretary Selma Montford said: "We would like other possible sites to be examined at a public inquiry." She said the council could not be objective on such an important application when it was considering its own plan.

Earlier this year the council had to clear the Horsdean site after it became crowded with travellers.

But the council has been encouraged by a new Government report on guidelines to be followed when dealing with travellers. Assistant environment director Chris Whitwell said: "It is is encouraging that the document reflects the approach we have been taking towards travellers."

The Government is expected to decide in about two weeks whether a public inquiry is needed.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.