BRIGHTON and Hove are fast becoming a Hollywood on Sea as film and TV programme makers flock to the resort.

And the free publicity that results is worth millions of pounds to the towns.

The Brighton and Hove events office has set up more than 90 shoots this year for TV companies, movie crews, TV commercial makers and photographers.

Favourite locations are The Lanes, Brighton seafront and the Palace Pier.

Leisure chairman Mike Middleton said: "It seems to be a growing business.

"They come to us because it's seen as a glamorous place and we try to be helpful.

"It's worthwhile because it means that we are advertised free on TV and magazines all over the world."

TV shows which have been filmed include The Bill, Holiday, Bodger and Badger, and Kavanagh QC

Watchdog, Lenny Goes to Town starring comedian Lennie Henry, and Blue Peter were also shot in the town.

And Brighton was also the location for Killer Net, the Lynda La Plante TV thriller screened earlier this year.

Pop videos have been made for bands including 911, Men2B and Rialto.

Television commercials have been filmed for Lloyds Bank, Cadbury's Roses chocolates and BT, whose ad featured former weatherman Ian McCaskill in a seafront phone box.

Advertising shoots have included those for Bonhams auctioneers, Daihatsu cars and C&A.

Magazines Prima and Minx have used the towns for photographic features.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.