It is not surprising that people, in particular newcomers to Brighton's Fiveways area (Letters, June 25), are worried about the future of Downs Infant School and whether it will be possible to make an informed choice of local schools.

No doubt, Mr and Mrs Goozee, the writers of this letter, were at the meeting on June 23, at Downs Infants School, when Brighton and Hove City Council and Onyx endeavoured to inform people from this area that, in fact, despite proposing to build a monstrosity barely a few feet behind the school and, although there will be 33 trucks per day making two journeys each - 66 per day - travelling up and down Hollingdean Road, there really was very little we should be concerned about.

They said changes to the environment would be insignificant and that we would barely notice the difference as we went about our daily lives.

Onyx speaker John Collis seemed surprised people were making such a fuss.

Thankfully those people who turned up - and could get into the meeting - were far more informed, intelligent, more committed to saving local communities and schools and to protecting the environment than the council.

In its ignorance, the council chose a venue which could only hold 200 people. Almost double that number turned up and were excluded.

If democracy is to prevail, another venue (as promised by the council) must be found so the views of those who were excluded can be heard.

If the council and Onyx think this will be a walkover, they ain't seen nothing yet.

-Marian Devoy, Brighton