Dogs and their owners turned out in record numbers for the East Brighton Traditional Fair.

Saturday's fair, an amalgamation of the Whitehawk Festival and East Brighton Fun Dog Show, brought about 120 dogs to East Brighton park, about a third more than last year's dog show, to compete for titles such as the waggiest tail and the most attractive bitch.

Jane Hawkins, one of the organisers, said: "We decided to combine the dog show and the Whitehawk Festival into a bumper East Brighton event.

"People came from all over the city, including some who had never visited East Brighton park before."

Particularly popular was the sausage and cake relay race, in which owners were encouraged to stuff their faces with cake as their pets tucked into sausages.

Children dressed in Victorian costumes to give a traditional feel to the the day and other attractions included a bouncy castle, bonny baby competition, stalls and traditional games, music and jugglers.

Raffle prizes were donated by shops and restaurants and a fire engine was at the park for children to explore.