Fifty years ago, an engaging musical about two young lovers who encounter a magical piano opened in the West End.

No show has managed to capture the spirit of Fifties Britain in quite the same way.

And now Matthew Townsend presents his version of the witty and charming production.

"It's fresh, it's funny and it's very naughty," says Townsend of the musical, which takes its name from the famous words of Shakespeare's Cleopatra.

"The title does have a lot of meaning for the show," he explains, "because it was written by and for a very young company.

It was also to do with the fact that Britain was coming to the end of a grim decade, following the end of war."

Jenny Arnold, creator of the sublime dance routines in Jerry Springer The Opera, provides the choreography and breathes new life into this production.

"Jenny has a very quirky eye, which has given the show brand new life," says Townsend.

Expect canned sound, sparkling renditions of songs such as The Time Of My Life, We're Looking For A Piano and Summer And Sunshine and a plot which is "completely eccentric".