I like just about everything in Brighton and Hove - the weather, the variety of architecture and plans for tall buildings, the variety of people who live, work, study and retire here, the city's rough and tumble reputation, the bus service, the restaurants and pubs and the way the city seems to open its arms to everyone, no questions asked.

But a couple of things bug me. I walk a lot and the first, not surprisingly, is cyclists on the seafront promenade who weave in and out of walkers at high speed.

They're not supposed to be there but I can tolerate them if they're careful. Alas, some are not and endanger walkers of all ages, including children.

My second annoyance has to do with the electric buggies the disabled, infirm and aged use.

More than once, and twice on one day recently, I've been narrowly missed by buggies speeding along the pavement, sometimes weaving in and out among groups of pedestrians, just like the cyclists.

I'm all for the disabled and others being mobile but not at the expense of my own mobility.

Many buggy operators seem to know only one speed - as fast as the thing will go - and feel they have the right of way on the pavement.

Yelling at either type of offender doesn't help so I've had a little sign printed to carry in my pocket when out walking.

It reads "Slow Down!" on one side, to flash at mad buggy-racers, and "No Cycling" on the back, to wave at promenade bikers who think they're on a speedway.

It probably won't do much good but it will make me feel better.

-Ron Odgers, Hove