"The thing about these gigs is that I seem to take the boys to somewhere they don't necessarily want to go," says the saucy Irish-French chanteuse. "It's great."

Sure enough, there were more than a few men - and perhaps a few women - wearing puppy dog, soppy-in-love expressions by the end of the show.

It's not just that Camille has a husky, flawless voice which soars through passionate renditions of Brel, Weill, Tom Waits and Nick Cave until spines tingle.

From the furtive beginnings when the songstress weaves humming through the audience tables wearing a black cloak and with an eye-swivelling glance, she acts just as impressively as she sings.

With a captivating sense of drama, the sultry saucepot flings off her coat with a coquettish petulance and fixes members of the audience with kinky stares.

She pours herself wine while lounging with fish-netted legs propped up on a box, rolls around the floor as a raucous drunk and leaps into the lap of a man in the crowd, singing him seductive sweet nothings. Hilarious, enthralling and jubilantly fun, it's no wonder Camille has them dropping at her feet.

Camille will be performing on Thursday May 19. Starts 7pm, tickets £10, call 01273 709709.