Have you noticed how much housing is mentioned in the papers, especially affordable or social housing? Yet, for all the hot air floating about -- nothing gets done.

"You cannot this, you cannot do that, it's not in keeping with the area, there is no room to build any more houses, not in my back yard."

As a senior politician has said, we cannot afford to repair these homes, we do not get the help from central government.

It is no wonder nothing gets done with all the bitching and back-stabbing there is.

Get used to it? Not on your life, because these people are so short sighted, selfish and do not like change. They are preventing progress - a great British desease, which has been prevalant since the end of the Second World War.

This country needs change. To survive, we need new housing now.

Sussex Enterprise says it needs 32,000 homes by 2026 but we need that many by 2007, which is why we have a problem with housing. No one has yet managed to realise the real problem - the more we build, the more chance there is of a major crash in property prices. That's the real truth - selfishness.

-Jim Evans, Brighton