As with many people, I sometimes come close to madness with frustration in my dealings with Brighton and Hove City Council.

It is therefore a pleasure to thank Jeanette Walsh of the major projects team for tackling the light pollution and privacy problem we had at the back of Argyle Road and for getting the lights which have caused sleeplessness and anxiety for the past two months switched off.

Yesterday, a second council recycling bin was mistakenly added to one I'd left outside to be replaced, joining the full, uncollected Magpie box on my front doorstep, making three boxes blocking access to a bike-owning household.

I nearly went mental hanging on the phone for ten minutes to Cityclean while all advisors were busy.

But I did hang on and, despite being asked twice whether the council were employing chipmunks to make their deliveries, someone called Dominic remained calm and polite, called me back and sorted out the problem.

It's tiresome to have to raise one's voice but the human faces I have encountered behind the council wall recently have listened and helped to restore harmony to this beleaguered street.

-Sue Power , Brighton