In reply to M Rogers (Letters, February 28), talking about the discrimination faced by disabled people in the Brighton and Hove area. It is true to say the city council does seem to lack insight into the problems faced by disabled people and while they can be said to be "trying", it is questionable if they are succeeding.

This is compounded by the lack of an access officer for disabled people. When we possessed one, which most local authorities have, disabled people had a named person who could deal with all issues, such as moving inappropriate parking spaces.

As we do not have an access officer now, I would advise people to contact the Brighton and Hove Federation of Disabled People. They are there to assist disabled people and their Disability Advice Centre can offer support and advice and provide a representative in areas of need.

The more people with disabilities make use of these facilities, the more we will become stronger. Together we do have a voice.

-Diane Fazackarley, Brighton