Railtrack has erected two double, yellow hallogen lampposts on railway land, which shine over the rooftops and into the bedrooms in Argyle Road opposite.

Despite repeated attempts by phone and post to the council and Railtrack, a neighbour of mine has not been given any good reason for their appearance.

Are they for a new train service bay, or connected to the proposed 42-storey tower block nearby? Can anyone shed any light on their appearance? My neighbour has been fobbed off with one excuse after another.

We live in one of the most polluted areas in Brighton and Hove. Must we now endure new light pollution on top of everything else? I would be grateful if someone could clarify who is responsible and why the lights have been erected.

Also, please note, all those who object to the proposed tower block should write to the council and not the developers.

-Claire S Mackay, Brighton