Lynn Daly was quite right when she said many of the young people who indulge in binge drinking do so because there is a gaping void elsewhere in their lives (The Argus, January 25).

She goes on: "Don't ask me what it is or how to fill it - I don't know".

Maybe a 4th-Century bishop has the answer. St Augustine of Hippo wrote: "Thou hast made us for thyself and our hearts find no rest until they find their rest in thee".

In other words, unless we are in a personal living relationship with God, there will always be something missing in our lives.

As a teenager I had that aching void in my life.

If I had the money and the freedom young people have today, I would probably have gone binge drinking to fill that void.

However, one day I heard a converted drunkard tell of how Jesus Christ had filled that aching void for him and transformed his life.

It was the first step on the journey which led me to a personal faith in Jesus Christ.

I am not unique.

Millions of young people, all over the world, many of whom were in the grip of drink and drugs, have come to that personal faith and have discovered that gaping void has been filled, many of them in this day and age and in this city.

-Rev John Webster, Hove