A dream trip to the Dominican Republic turned into a holiday from hell after a group of friends contracted a nasty stomach bug.

Instead of spending ten days relaxing in the sun, the group spent much of their stay being violently ill.

They claim tour giant Thomas Cook failed to warn them there was a risk of illness at Puerto Plata's Riu Mambo hotel.

Two of the group are still off work sick and are writing to the holiday operator demanding compensation.

Health officials believe the resort has been battling an outbreak of a norovirus, the name given to a Norwalk-like virus spread by poor hygiene, since November.

Cynthia White and husband Graham returned to their home in Overhill, Southwick, last week following a holiday wrecked by sickness, diarrhoea and fever.

It was a far cry from the relaxing holiday Mrs White, 54, had hoped for after burying her mother just two days before jetting out to the resort.

She said: "People were running to the toilets all the time. I've never seen so many people ill in all my life.

"My husband is diabetic and needs to take his medication with food. But he couldn't even eat because the food just made you feel sick. He lost 10lb.

"There was nearly a riot, with 40 people gathered at reception."

Mrs White, a social worker, is still off work sick.

So is her bookmaker friend, Anne Court, 52, who went on the ten-day trip with husband Graham.

Mrs Court, of St Giles Close, Shoreham, said: "Every time we went to a toilet there was a woman standing outside with hospital handwash. It was the worse ten days of my life.

"It was just like a nightmare. People were being taken to hospital because they were so seriously dehydrated.

"There is no way the virus will be eradicated at the hotel unless it is closed down or Thomas Cook stops sending people there.

"As we were leaving, people were still being jetted in."

Thomas Cook confirmed a virus had passed from person to person at the resort.

A spokeswoman said there was a "high standard" of hygiene at the hotel and only "a handful" of guests had been affected.

She added: "The company followed the direct advice of a hygiene consultant and at no point was it advised against the use of the hotel.

"Changing customers' travel plans at the last minute is unsettling for them and Thomas Cook wants to ensure its guests get the holiday they booked."