Well done Lynn Daly for writing so clearly against those who are trying to undermine Christianity in Britain (The Argus, December 14).

Surely the time has come when we need to know who these people are, whether at the EU or in national or local government.

Much of this tide of agnostic propaganda originates in Brussels. Remember, there is no mention of God in the EU's constitution and the EU recently rejected a new commissioner because he refused to compromise his Christian beliefs.

There is a small group of unelected cronies close to the prime minister who are pushing the agnostic agenda into new legislation as fast as they can - reducing the age of homosexual consent at a time of public concern about paedophilia, undermining marriage by allowing same-sex partnerships when the divorce rate is over 33 per cent, encouraging explicit sex lessons for young children when we have record numbers of unmarried mothers, downgrading Christian teaching in schools and the drinking, drugs and gambling laws.

It's a recipe for anarchy.

Christianity was introduced into Britain in the 5th Century by St Augustine and has been our national religion ever since.

The recent census showed that 71.5 per cent of the population still call themselves Christians (despite being lazy about going to church).

The Bible specifically warns against worshipping foreign Gods or marrying unbelievers.

It is madness to allow those of other faiths to have equal status to Christians in the UK, especially when no reciprocal rights exist in their countries of origin.

Many converts to Christianity from Islam are sentenced to death and persecution has been going on for centuries.

We must beware of false teachers both within and outside the church (2 Peter 2) and Archbishop Rowan Williams should start contending for the Christian faith or make way for someone who can.

-A Nunn, Hove