Bring a touch of Rio carnival spice into your dark Saturday evenings by mamboing down to salsacise.

This is the new workout class running at Stanley Deason Leisure Centre, Wilson Avenue, Brighton, which will get you sizzling in the middle of winter and keep you fit while having fun.

But you don't have to be a Jill Halfpenny on the dancefloor to join in and nor do you need a partner. With its gentle pace and emphasis on having fun, it is the perfect class for exercise beginners, young and old, whether you have two left feet or not.

Salsacise is a combination of salsa dance moves and an aerobics workout. Instructor Lee Miller teaches some basic moves, such as a mambo, turns and side movements, and in the middle he introduces an aerobics section to get people warmed up before going back to some dancing again.

Each week, Lee goes over the moves again so if you're new to the class you will still be able to pick them up.

Lee, who is both a dance teacher and exercise instructor, says: "You don't need to be coordinated. We have a bit of a laugh when we get don't get the turns right. You don't have to feel pressured. Some people can't do the basics but that's fine because they love giving it a go."

Salsacise will increase your flexibility and coordination and get your heart-pumping without being exhausting.

"It's for beginners who are very new to exercise," says Lee. "It gets your heart rate up but it does not work you flat out for hours."

Just drop-in to the class whenever you feel like a Latin lift. There's no need to book.

"You don't have to come with anyone. You can come on your own and feel quite welcome. You don't need a partner," says Lee.

Wear shorts and T-shirt with trainers and bring a bottle of water to sip when you need it.

The class starts at 5.30pm and finishes at 6.30pm and half price drinks are available in the bar afterwards to keep you in carnival spirits.

Class prices are £2.80 for members and £3.70 for non-members. The class won't be running on Christmas Day or New Year's Day but starts again on Saturday, January 8.

Call 01273 694281 for more details.