Why do councils and even the Government continue to give credence to the views of people such as John Strange?

Flying a European Union flag, as the Rose and Crown pub in Worthing does, is an entirely harmless attempt to foster friendship between nations that have been at war with each other within Mr Strange's lifetime.

The countries within the EU have disagreements now and then just as the 50 states that make up the USA do but to suggest, as Mr Strange

does, that the Union is a totalitarian foreign state that "intends to take over our country" is madness.

In fact, it has done a great deal to prevent further conflict and the rise of extremism.

So why take him seriously, Worthing Borough Council? Why not just send him away with a flea in his ear?

Could it be that there are those at the Town Hall who secretly share Mr Strange's opinions and that Worthing deserves its reputation as the Royston Vasey of the south coast?

All power to Dave Edwards, landlord of the Rose and Crown. I'll pop in for a pint next time I'm in Worthing.

Keep flying the flag for friendship Happy Christmas

-Jason Goodchild, Brighton