Was Jesus a vegetarian and what would He eat if He lived today?

The fact that Jesus was said to be a gentle man suggests violent acts such as killing animals would be abhorrent to Him.

The Bible states: "He that killeth an ox is as he that slew a man", Isaiah 66 v 3.

Also: "I give you the fruit of the trees for your meat and the leaf thereof for your medicine",

Ezekiel 47 v 12.

And: "Thou shalt not kill" with no exclusions. Jesus also said, "I desire mercy not sacrifice."

There is so much evidence now of unholy suffering to animals bred and slaughtered for food that the travesty cannot be denied. We do not need to depend on eating dead animals for survival any more and there is a wealth of healthy and delicious food available which is also a more efficient use of the world's food resources.

Perhaps this is a particularly poignant time to ask what would Jesus do?

It is incomprehensible He would be party to the rivers of blood that flood from the massacred remains of others of His Holy Father's creation.

-Liz Taylor, Worthing