Circumstances forced me into a rare foray today to a fast food restaurant.

I spent an irritating half-hour watching the antics of two boys "fighting" with balloons. One wonders why the staff didn't ask them, "Where are your parents?"

But much worse was the pop music, which was diabolical in its repetitiveness. One "tune" sounded like someone turning a very rusty handle. This isn't music and is certainly not suitable for the ears of children.

A complaint to a member of staff (who agreed with my complaint) did not help, when he informed me, "It's a radio station".

This was the same answer I received from an official from London I met in a McDonald's.

I assume it is a private radio station and someone is making money out of this rubbish.

I then ventured into Morrison's (formerly Safeway), where the music is equally vile and repetitive. I had written to their head office two weeks ago but it seems from their non-reply they are happy with the situation.

Noise carries on in Brighton unabated. No one seems to care about the ghastly racket emanating from souped-up cars and motor-cycles.

One doesn't need a decibel counter to know the drivers/riders' machines are exceeding the legal limit.

The authorities in Portsmouth are now tackling this problem. My experience tells me that Brighton will just get worse.

-Phillip Bond, Brighton