Many bus users will find it hard to believe that the myth that those of pensionable age don't have to pay anything when travelling on buses is still being spoken of as being fact. This is very wrong indeed.

The latest culprit to broadcast this misguided belief was BBC Radio Southern Counties' football pundit Ian Hart.

On a live broadcast on Saturday, November 13, Mr Hart mentioned someone at the radio station had just had a birthday. He wouldn't divulge the actual age of the person but hinted at it by saying "he now gets free bus travel".

Free? As all pensioners who use buses know only too well, they have to pay 65p for one journey, no matter how short that journey is.

What's more, if pensioners lose or forget their half-fare bus passes they have to pay the full £1.30.

There are no free rides on Brighton and Hove buses.

Tesco at Holmbush, Asda at Hollingbury and the West Hove (Portslade) branch of Sainsbury's run "free" buses on certain days of the week but only to selected areas of the city and county. Anyway, those "free" buses are paid for by the shoppers.

A recent trail for a programme on BBC Radio 4 stated that as Alan Coren, the presenter, was now 65, he would be able to travel free on buses.

I've heard and read too many times that pensioners get free bus travel so I feel it's time those who believe it are informed of the truth.

-Barry Martin, Brighton