So, the Big Brother State has arrived, albeit 20 years later than George Orwell envisaged.

Nanny Blair's Government constantly lectures us on how to lead our lives and incessantly adds to the list of things that were once allowed but are now criminalised.

Ban smoking in public places. Ban smacking. Ban foxhunting. Ban the sale of vitamins and mineral supplements. Restrict advertising. Berate overweight people. Ostracize people expressing politically incorrect views.

CCTV cameras monitor our every movement. Speed cameras proliferate. Identity cards soon to be introduced with hefty fines for people resisting the Government diktat.

One can only fear for the loss of many more long-cherished freedoms if a fresh mandate is given to this bossy Labour Government with its anti-libertarian tendencies and nasty self-righteous and puritanical streak.

-Michael Williams, Brighton