Combining intellectual curiosity with a mesmerisingly cool stage presence, Reginald D Hunter has produced two Perrier-nominated shows in as many years.

Last time he was picking apart the impact of racism on his dealings with white women, from the nuns who taught him at Catholic school to the six-year-old crush who rejected him "because you're a nigger".

This time around he's decrying the group mentality which leads him to be defined as either black, American or male, and to feel a kinship with other members of his ethnic group, "even though I've never met most black people".

The motivation between White Woman and current show A Mystery Wrapped In A Nigga is the same - at the age of 35, Hunter hopes to bring about some long overdue personal changes, enabling him to form a meaningful relationship with the girlfriend who he thinks may be "the one".

It's this talent for combining the broadly political with the candidly personal which makes his live comedy so compelling.

"I'm just exasperated that serious adult discussions on sex, race, love, money or anything can be regarded as awkward," says Hunter.

"For years I've watched even my favourite stand-ups avoid taking their humour in different directions or past certain limits. I'm like the 25-stone man who couldn't find clothes to fit him so he opened his own shop."

Starts: 9.30pm, Tickets £11/£10, Tel: 01273 709709