B Jones (Letters, October 16) clearly has no understanding of the historical background of the Diego Garcians.

Back in the Sixties our government claimed Diego Garcia only had a transient population, despite the fact the population had been born there, as were their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.

Our aim was to lease the island to the US for use as an air base.

The people were then forcibly removed - minus their pet dogs, which the Americans gassed - and sent to live in poverty and discrimination on Mauritius.

They have now come here, not only to escape those conditions but also to highlight the fact that, despite a High Court order earlier this year that they should be allowed to return to their homeland, our Government once again kow tows to the US and refuses to let them return.

I would call that contempt of court. The Foreign Office has even produced a "feasibility study" to show that the island isn't suitable for people to move to - but it seems to be okay for the Americans.

I have met these people while helping to process their appeal papers and every one said they wanted to return to Diego Garcia.

So, instead of venting your "little Englander" anger on these unfortunate people, perhaps Mr Jones could direct it at our duplicitous Government instead?

-Sue Baumgardt, Hove