Thank you for publishing a photograph of our invisible Chief Constable. I have never known what he looked like.

I understand he has applied to be the next chief of the Metropolitan Police. What will he do? Send letters to people asking them not to protest or will he enjoy the sight of his men hitting protesters over the head with truncheons?

Protest is an important part of democracy. It is no good asking people to stay away. There is a simple answer. Resign.

Currently, we have one of the most corrupt governments this country has seen.

We have a Prime Minister who lied to take us to war while at home we see the Government persecuting a minority for political ends.

The police force is there to preserve public order and should not show favour but the recent case of a young man, attacked and left bloodied in the streets of Brighton, abandoned to make his own way home sums up a police force that has lost its way.

No doubt the police will arrange for a social worker and counsellor. Whoopee.

The invisible Chief Constable should do what we as taxpayers require - stop whinging and take a leaf out of the book of Sir George Terry, the last real Chief Constable of Sussex.

-Brian Coomber, Shoreham