How unfortunate you should publish Councillor Craig Turton's defence of Brighton and Hove City Council's "sustainable" transport strategy the same day you tell us that road works on the A23 will be suspended during the Labour Party conference.

Why? So that those attending can drive more easily into the city centre. Goodness me, why aren't they walking, cycling, park-and-riding, coming by coach, bus or train?

Can you explain, Coun Turton? Have you not had a word in the ear of the dear leader? Will you at least organise a photo call of delegates who have arrived by sustainable methods?

Or is New Labour transport policy strictly for other people? Why is it all right for Two Jags to come by car but not Fred Bloggs? And, in addition to suspending road works for the Hooray Tonys, have you by any chance asked National Car Parks to lay off the delegates so that they don't get the wrong impression of the city, the one received by ordinary visitors?

Oh, and by the way, why are so many city council vehicles exempt from compliance with your sustainable policies? Is it that those policies, once again, are strictly for other people?

Trevor Pateman

-Western Road, Brighton