I want to make clear no inquiry will be launched by the council into the New Deal project in East Brighton, EB4U, following the recent employment tribunal case lost by Robin Lucas (The Argus, August 6).

A council spokeswoman did not "confirm an investigation was being launched", as the article stated.

Our statement said: "As accountable body we will be reviewing the issues raised and considering whether any further action is required."

The council already subjects EB4U to a high level of audit and review. While the case may contain some lessons about monitoring contracts, we did not feel it raised the need for an inquiry.

The council does not decide which projects are funded.

These are determined by the EB4U board and various sub-committees which are predominantly made up of representatives from local communities.

Their delivery and impact is then monitored by the government office for the South East.

As you highlight, the project is indeed spending millions of pounds. The whole point of such New Deal schemes is to invest in communities.

-Councillor Ken Bodfish, Leader, Brighton & Hove City Council