David Carr (Letters, August 3) touches on a point which I regard as absolutely crucial to the present and future UN and US policies in strife-ridden areas.

Too often we hear anti-war campaigners castigating America for its interventions, whether sanctioned by the UN or not.

This, to me, is pure anti-Americanism, yet those same people will criticise them for not dealing with North Korea, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Rwanda and others, maintaining the US is only ever motivated by self-interest.

They seem to think American lives can be sacrificed with America having little or no say in the matter.

Unfortunately, it might take a catastrophic event like the present oil crisis escalating into a world recession before they finally wake up to the real world and realise the importance of oil.

How they would bleat if we were unable to afford to contribute to their favourite Third World countries.

It was only 60 years ago that several dictators had the idea of taking over the world and force feeding us their philosophies. Thanks to American assistance, none succeeded.

It's about time we stopped spouting this cynical ingratitude and said thank you.

-Irving Conway, Hove