Brighton and Hove's top businesswomen will be out in force for the launch of a support network on Thursday.

They will be celebrating the new Brighton and Hove branch of Women in Business, which offers support so women can operate successfully in the still male-dominated business world.

Three of the women behind the new branch of Women in Business have already established successful firms in Brighton and Hove - Katja Hansson, a former model, runs Ideal Ventures, a venue finding and event management company, Jo Clayton is the brains behind Free Me, which helps busy people organise their lives, and Amanda Beech runs Blindspot Interior Design.

The three have all had suits designed by celebrity Brighton tailor Gresham Blake for the launch.

Women in Business has grown since it started in Haywards Heath in 1992 as a place for women in the business community to come together to network, exchange ideas and discuss matters such as taxation and credit control.

Members come from a range of business backgrounds.

Benefits include discounted rates for events, a free newsletter and a free directory of branch members.

The organisation's meetings are open to non-members.

Women In Business is a not-for-profit, non political, voluntary network for women in businesses.

The launch of the new branch is at the Karma Bar at Brighton Marina, starting at 6.30pm.

Membership of the network costs £40 for individuals and £120 for companies, with up to four named members.

For details, contact, or