Two women are to strip in protest at animal cruelty in Spain.

Sue Baurngart and Barbara Trenholm will join hundreds of demonstrators against the annual San Fermin bullfighting festival in Pamplona.

The town attracts thousands of people from all over the world to take part in the famous running of the bulls fiesta.

Men, and some women, prove their machismo by sprinting ahead of the bulls through the narrow streets to the town's bullring.

Every year many runners are trampled and gored by the bulls and occasionally some die from their injuries.

The day before the event on July 5, Sue and Barb - as she prefers to be known - will join 300 other animal activists in what is being billed as the Running Of The Nudes.

The protest is a repeat of last year's protest organised by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the pressure group behind the supermodels' anti-fur campaign.

Some will be completely naked, some will wear just a thong to cover their modesty while others will take part fully clothed.

Sue, 59, a teacher, of Stoneham Road, Hove, said: "The point is the publicity it attracts to highlight the cruelty behind the running of the bulls.

"The nude protest in Pamplona last year attracted worldwide interest."

Campaigners hope to hasten the change in attitude towards bullfighting which seems to be taking place in Spain.

Barb, a social worker from Durrington, Worthing, was among protesters at last year's event.

She said: "There was intense hostility from the Spanish because the running of the bulls is so deeply ingrained into their tradition and culture.

"We do not want people to have the impression we are a couple of dotty grannies who are trying to save nice, fluffy animals.

"We want to bring an end to animal suffering in all its forms."