The recent letters of Councillor Warren Morgan and the Reverend Andrew Mansford-Brilsford on the proposed extension at St George's Church, Kemp Town, Brighton, to house a post office, were both highly misleading.

Coun Morgan refers to the extension as an "architecturally sympathetic modification" and the vicar claims "we are working with English Heritage to make sure this gem of a building is preserved as a living heritage".

I have been in touch with English Heritage about this proposed development and, in the latest letter I have received from them, they express very serious concerns about the impact of the extension on both the exterior and the interior of the church and query whether there is any real need for such an extension.

They refer to the current proposal as a "block-like extension without windows, thus wholly blind, constructed of render as an inexpensive alternative to brick and requiring the blocking of daylight from another church window in the north gallery".

Their letter concludes: "This application, therefore, does not appear to us to be ready to be granted permission."

-Dr Ruth Cowl, Kemp Town, Brighton