Cayeene pepper and chillies, dried ripe fruits of Capsicum Minimum, are a native of South America, Africa and India. Capsicum contains a pungent crystalline principle called Capsaicin, which has been recently introduced in modern medicine as a pain-relieving ointment in shingles or intractable pain. It is interesting that its original use in the form of several formulations in Ayurvedic medicine is documented for sciatica, lumbago, nerve pain, and flatulence in the absence of stomach ulcer or inflammation, cleansing and detoxifying. Capsicum is also used to stimulate appetite in those convalescing from illness, and as a gargle in chronic laryngitis - contrary to popular belief that it makes it worse!

The correct formulation in the form of external application is also very effective in chilblains (unbroken skin), poor circulation of legs and as an antiseptic. The British Herbal pharmacopoeia documents similar uses of capsicum. The dried powder can be added to a pound of vegetables or soups while cooking in the dose of 30 - 120mg per half to one pint of fluid. Adding green chillies to vegetables or casseroles provides Vitamin A, C, folic acid, iron and other minerals. Carum or caraway is the dried fruit of Carum Carvi grown in England, Central Europe and Holland. It is similar to Caraway seeds used in Indian cooking. They contain 20 per cent protein and volatile aromatic oils, 2-6 limonene and 55 per cent carvone.

It gives an agreeable, aromatic and slightly pungent taste and odour to the food. Its main action is carminative (dispels wind), relieves intestinal colic due to wind in children, helps anorexia, diarrhoea, bronchitis, painful periods, helps breast milk secretion, and as a gargle in laryngitis. Dose: Half to one teaspoonful (0.5-2gm) powder infused in a pot of boiled water as an infusion. Tincture 1 in 5 in 45 per cent alcohol as per BPC dose 0.5-4ml. Cinnamon leaf: It is called tamalpatrain Ayurveda.When added to the garnishor stir fry,it gives a pleasant flavour tofood and freshens the mouth.It isrecommended in breast-feeding nursingmothers to improve milk production.Infuse a teaspoon of cinnamon leaf(dried)in a pot of hot water and drink acup three times a day or use as gargle ormouth rinse.