Despite all the resolutions, do you lose out in the power struggle with the wrong kind of food?

Our bodies are made from molecules derived from what we eat so, of course, we need food. But why is it that when I reach for an apple, I choose chocolate instead?

Show me a cheesy Wotsit or a tub of Chunky Monkey and I become an instant loser.

It could be due to a lack of will power but generally happens whenever I fail to follow the following tactics: Be wary of what you think your stomach is telling you.

What you perceive as hunger is usually boredom.

There is no need to eat and drink every five minutes or tolerate the presence of a sticky bun in your home just stick it in the bin.

However, if you do have to eat frequently in order to prevent irritability or dizziness, you may be suffering from a blood sugar imbalance.

In which case, you should avoid anything sugary and start eating foods to keep your blood sugar even beans, peas, oats, grains, fish and poultry, for example.

Stop when you are full. As well as eating when not hungry, many of us continue to eat long after we have had enough.

It doesn't take much to feel full, particularly if consuming healthy food.

When eating denutrified food, you will notice you want to keep on eating because your nutrient needs are not being met.

Quality people need quality food to rid themselves of cravings for junk.

Fresh, raw food has the necessary nutrients and enzymes to support your body for optimum health and energy.

Enzymes are necessary for chemical reactions in the body but cooking, canning, milling and refining destroy enzyme activity and deplete vitamins and minerals.

Don't allow yourself to be terrorised by anti-nutrients.

Processed foods contain little in the way of nutrients but are loaded with sugar, salt, synthetic chemicals and hydrogenated fats.

Elaborately packaged convenience foods are a feast for your eyes and manipulate your taste buds but you should consider them a drain on your health.

Fibre is essential for good colonic health.

If you frequently experience constipation and feel sluggish, you may need to drink more water and include high-fibre foods in your diet such as fruit, vegetables, grains, beans and pulses.

Support the organic movement so it can support you.

Studies consistently show that organic foods contain fewer pesticides, food additives, nitrates and antibiotics.

They are free from genetic modification, BSE and higher in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

Addictive substances alcohol, nicotine, caffeine undermine immunity and mess with your energy levels.

The best way to give up an addiction is to tackle it once you have introduced a healthier diet and lifestyle.

Ask a nutritionist for help. Finally, get political. Expose today's convenience food for what it is by writing to food outlets and your MP.

One day it may be possible to crack down on the promotion and advertising of any food harmful to our health and the quality of our future.

Remember cigarette ads?