I am a regular reader of your newspaper and, although I have been living in this country for less than four months, I felt compelled to write regarding your front page story about Ollie Burnett who was attacked by a dog and had his bike stolen (The Argus, June 14).

I was shocked and horrified to see yet another story of an unfortunate child being molested by a dog.

I have always had dogs. I and everybody who loves dogs knows that, because they are animals, even the most friendly one can have a reaction which we humans do not expect.

Children, due to their size, are more prone to be injured by them.

Why do dog owners not keep their dogs on a lead when walking in the park, on the pavement or, indeed, whenever they take them out?

I live near a copse garden where I walk my dog and my two-and-half-year-old granddaughter.

Most of the time, the dogs I see are running free and when they come near us (to sniff my dog, no doubt) I have to pick up my granddaughter so that if the dog did bite she would not be hurt.

I think this is unacceptable. We all have the right to be able to enjoy the outdoors.

I feel very sorry for this little boy who was attacked by a dog just because he was riding his beloved bike.

If dog owners are not capable of realising they have a dangerous weapon at home, perhaps the police should increase their vigilance in order to avoid these very serious problems which can and most certainly will affect people for life.

-Luiza Mascarenhas, Hove