Father Barber's enthusiasm for the developments at St George's Church knows no bounds but, as a newcomer to the district, perhaps he does not know about St Anne's Institute, a gift to the community and for many years the centre of local activities in the heart of the local shopping centre.

Residents fought long and hard to retain this much-loved building, which catered for a variety of community activities.

Particularly hit were the retired and elderly with the loss of their weekly market.

However, those advocating its closure in favour of building the crypt, which included as a lead figure the Vicar of St George's, won the day.

Certainly St Anne's, with its roomy accommodation including a large hall and stage (which have not been replicated), badly needed updating but this would have cost a fraction of the amount spent on the construction of the crypt and, importantly, the beautiful listed church would not have suffered from such drastic excavations.

-Jean Penney, Brighton