Falmer resident John Burt said: "The overall impression is that the vast majority do not want a stadium anywhere in the Brighton district" (Letters, March 15).

In a long line of ridiculous statements from the nimbys of Falmer, that is only topped by publican John Woodruff's assertion that he would need a cricket bat to control fans.

It may have escaped Mr Burt's attention that the stadium has gained support from 68 per cent (44,985 voters) in a referendum across the city, 61,000 people who signed a petition, Brighton and Hove City Council, all three MPs in Brighton and Hove, the South East England Development Agency, the University of Sussex and the University of Brighton, among others.

On the same letters page, I Tonks suggested Falmer Pond was a "great attraction" for coach-loads of visitors. The pond has certainly been a great attraction - for rats, particularly those that can tolerate the noise from so many coaches and whining residents.

Perhaps I Tonks should note that his namesake, Francis Tonks, councillor for the ward in which the stadium would be built, is another to add to the list of stadium supporters.

-Matthew James, Hassocks