On Thursday, January 22, at approximately 6pm I was parked (legally) outside the Seahorse fish and chip shop in Blatchington Road, Hove, waiting for my son, who was in the shop.

A Brighton and Hove City Council tow-away truck pulled up and parked on double yellow lines outside the shop and a parking attendant left the vehicle and went into the shop to buy food.

I asked the attendant waiting in the vehicle if it was legal for him to wait on double yellow lines while his colleague went to buy fish and chips. He replied, "I dunno mate" and carried on reading his newspaper.

This incident was witnessed by several passers-by, including my son.

I would like to know if they have "special dispensation" to flout the law or is it yet another case of one rule for them and another for us?

-D Philips, Hove