I assume Matthew Leathes' letter (December 10) about "trashing" Brighton and Hove by "cramming in tower blocks" refers to the tall buildings strategy that is out for consultation at the moment. I fear he misses the point.

It is not about creating "short-term jobs" as Mr Leathes suggests. It is about providing places for people to live and work in a city that has a paltry amount of free land to build on.

Given that an obvious way to achieve this is to build up, the tall buildings strategy aims to ensure the unique and historic architecture of the city is not trashed.

I do agree with Mr Leathes about transport.

However, his suggestion that we take a leaf out of Oxford's book and ban traffic from the city centre fails to mention that Oxford has 5,000 park and ride spaces.

We have 250.

-Tony Mernagh, Brighton and Hove Economic Partnership, Brighton City Centre Business Forum