Brighton is often said to have a theatrical tradition. To justify that we need more plays here.

However, we do have some of the country's best amateur productions - even if they do get a bit hammy at times.

These performances are given by our councillors at their regular, lively meetings. As at The Globe in Shakespeare's day, the public is inspired to join in.

Those of us with long memories recall one of the most outlandish performances of all. This was in 1969, when one agitated resident, now our mayor, Jeanne Lepper, had a walk-on part - even a leap-on part such was her vaulting across the barrier from the public gallery.

Alas, she was dragged from the chamber by her hair, down all the stairs and hurled into a police van.

Does this bruising memory flash past her eyes as she now chastises a rather more ruly public gallery and shouts, to quote Shakespeare: "Alack, what noise is this?"

-Nigel Furness, Hove