Although David Panter, Brighton and Hove City Council's chief executive, made a vigorous defence of the level of public relations expenditure (The Argus, Nov 8) he appeared to be quoting on unrelated issues.

However, in his final paragraph he stated he would welcome a debate with supporting facts in which The Argus could play an important role.

Could I suggest he provides answers to the following questions, which I submitted through The Argus to Ken Bodfish in August and October? Neither has had a reply.

1. What was the total cost of sums paid to external agencies, advisors and research companies for consultation services and development concepts for the city last year?

2. Would he confirm that should the proposed Tin Can development with Karis not go ahead, there will be no cost to council tax-payers?

3. Would he give an indicative price for the sale or rental of the affordable housing in the King Alfred development?

I am sure I can look forward to a response in The Argus in the near future.

-D Earl, Hove